leslie friedman: little bits of yay


october 5 - 27, 2022

FIRST WEDNESDAY opening: oct 5, from 6 - 9pm


normal gallery hours: TUe - SUn, 12PM - 6PM


Leslie Friedman is interested in the objects around us that shape our world. She is no stranger to untraditional art surfaces and medias. Working in an array of materials and spaces, she has created all manner of installations about identity, society, and domestic life. She believes that everything from skateboard ramps to flooring materials can be examined and seen in a new light. Her work is often personal, though not always obviously so. In her newest body of work, Little Bits of Yay, she has taken an everyday material, carpet padding, and literally shined new light onto the beauty of such a common and often unseen object.

“Like so many things that have a supportive role, it seemed a shame to cover it up and hide its beauty. Taking the leftover foam back to my studio, I studied the scraps, cut and ripped them, and photographed different compositions. These photographs became the basis for the prints and collages in this series. 


The silkscreen prints in Little Bits of Yay depict masses of organic, tightly bound shapes, in an array of bright saturated hues and neutral colors. In addition to the flat, matte inks, I have added brilliant metallic foils that catch the light as the viewer moves toward and around the prints. While very different from my previous works, these prints continue to explore my love of the vernacular object while also considering my new responsibility as a caregiver. “ - Friedman

Learn more about Leslie Friedman.

This exhibition is presented alongside the latest works from Kelly A. Mueller, Nonney Oddlokken, & Herb Roe. All works from these artists are on view, free of charge, during normal gallery hours (12 - 6 p.m., Tue - Sun) from October 5 - 27, 2022.  

works on view