jessica sharpe: ancient feelings


a virtual reception will be held via our facebook and instagram pages on october 7th. Follow us at BRGallery for updates and images!

the in-person FIRST WEDNESDAY OPENING RECEPTION & artICULATE aRTIST tALK have been cancelled for this exhibition due to risks associated with the covid-19 pandemic. the gallery will be open during regular business hours (Tu - Su, 12pm - 6pm) for individuals or groups under 25 people. social distancing and masks are required.


Jessica Sharpe, a BRG Artist Member since 2013, was born and raised in Ohio where she received her BFA in Painting and Art History from the University of Cincinnati in 2003. She attended graduate school as the School of Art Fellow at Syracuse University in upstate New York, receiving her MFA in 2010 before moving her studio practice to New York City. While there, her professional experience included work as a freelance visual merchandiser for Saks Fifth Avenue and an artist assistant at Annie Varnot Studios. Over the past ten years, her work has been exhibited across the United States, from Baltimore to California

“Black holes, white holes, worm holes, birth holes. Chaos. Confinement. Murkiness. Confusion. Longing. Seeking. Illumination. Ascension. Timelessness travel. Looping. Stillness.

It is within the vast uncertainty that resides within our psyches that we continue to relive our primal archetypal dilemmas. These collaged landscapes illustrate a personal journey through the unconscious and are deeply informed by philosophers and psychiatrists, Stan Grof, Terence McKenna, and Carl Jung who wrote extensively about “peak” states evoked through psychedelics, meditation, and holotropic breathwork. Intense experiences of transformation occur when people open the depths of their minds and let energy fields flow. The landscapes in this body of work become a screen for the outer world projection of these states.

At this present time especially, we feel the tug towards transformation. We're being called to expand and welcome our deeper awareness. Be aware of unconscious creations. Question the cause of causes. Universally, our projections are building towards a dramatic culmination.

As connectivity increases, social relationships change, and ever more complex epigenetic changes become known, we need to look into the center of our own being. Remembering that nature is an organism. We are that organism and the ultimate carriers of change. This moment is pulling us to realize that the present is nothing more than the resonance of past times. The entire structure of the future hangs on these ancient feelings.” - Sharpe

This exhibition is presented alongside the latest works from April Hammock, & Craig McCullen. All works from these artists are on view, free of charge, during normal gallery hours (12 - 6 p.m., Tue - Sun) through October 29, 2020.