mary lee eggart:

pandemic drawings


a first wednesday opening reception will be held on december 1st from 6 - 9pm(cst). proof of covid-19 vaccination will be required to attend this reception.

The ARTiculate Artist Talk will be held on Sunday, December 12th at 4pm.

the gallery will be open during regular business hours (Tu - Su, 12pm - 6pm) for individuals or groups under 25 people. social distancing and masks are required.

Follow us at BRGallery for updates and images!


“Inspiration for my drawings typically comes from contemplation of nature and spirituality; rarely do I directly address current events, either personal or societal. But the coronavirus pandemic changed life as we knew it. It revealed the injustices, inequities, and toxic polarization lurking in our way of life. But at the same time, it reminded us of the things we do and should value most: our interdependence with all of humanity and with the natural world. I was moved to create these drawings which explore how much we need each other.” - Eggart

This exhibition is presented alongside the latest works from John Alleyne, Paulo Dufour, & Nonney Oddlokken. All works from these artists are on view, free of charge, during normal gallery hours (12 - 6 p.m., Tue - Sun) from November 23 - December 29, 2021.  

works on view